Thursday 1 November 2012






1.     保持舒适的坐姿:坐直或躺下,横抱宝宝或让宝宝侧卧。宝宝的整个身体要面向你,而不仅仅是头部。有需要的话,用枕头垫在手臂、背部或宝宝的下面做支撑。

2.     不要分心,专注在你和宝宝之间,用乳头或手指轻碰宝宝的面颊,宝宝会转向你,并张开嘴。

3.     宝宝的嘴应该环绕住整个乳晕部分,不仅仅是乳头。有些宝宝要花些时间学习,但是这很重要,错误的吮吸方法很快可以导致乳头疼痛。帮住宝宝将乳头放在嘴的正中央,尽可能的多含住乳晕部分。

4.     调整您和宝宝的位置,尽量放轻松可以帮您顺利完成喂养。

5.     宝宝喝完后,将手指滑入乳头和宝宝的嘴唇之间停止吮吸运动。

6.     只要乳头不疼,让宝宝享受一下慢慢吮吸的快乐。

Breast Feeding

Breast feeding, right from birth provides the best choice and is the perfect food for all babies containing all a baby needs for at least the first 6 months of life.

In order for a mother to support breast feeding she needs to be aware of the benefits of breastfeeding for her baby and herself. She requires a healthy diet to meet her increased nutritional needs. She also needs to be aware that partial bottle feeding may adversely affect breast feeding.

  • Parents should always consider the social and financial implications before selecting a method of baby feeding.
  • Breast feeding provides the right amount of nutrients needed for baby’s healthy growth particularly in the first 6 months.
  • Frequent breast feeding will provide nipple stimulation and help to increase mother’s milk supply to meet the needs of her growing baby.
  • Breast feeding transfers antibodies and other protective factors that help protect baby against common infections.
  • Breast feeding will help a mothers womb return to normal size and assist in using up the extra fat stored in preparation for making breast milk.